What is meant by driver fatigue?
Driver fatigue is the feeling of extreme fatigue while driving. Often drinking alcohol, insufficient sleep, prolonged constant speed driving on the highway, uniform stimuli such as road lanes, lighting, repetitive oncoming headlights, trees, poles, rows, Long distance driving, night driving, excessive working hours, irregular work and rest schedule triggers driver fatigue.
If; You have been driving continuously for more than two hours, you cannot remember the last few kilometers, you blink frequently and have trouble focusing, you yawn regularly, you are confused by an overtaking vehicle, you fall asleep, you are worried about your vehicle moving over your shoulder, you have trouble keeping your route steady, you have driver fatigue means.
Fatigue-related accidents are usually;
Occurs late at night, early in the morning, or in the afternoon
Serious injuries and fatal accidents happen
Accidents involving a single vehicle
Occurs at high speeds
Drivers alone in the vehicle
The driver does not take any action to prevent the accident. For example, there are no brake marks on the road.
To stay awake; Listening to loud music, opening the eyes as much as possible, driving fast or slowly, opening the windows and letting the wind in is completely legendary and has no reality. The only solution to fatigue is to get enough rest and sleep.